Reflection's Flora and Fauna
A collection of my photos of flora and fauna, and maybe now and then,
something else that catches my attention and just will not let go.
Maybe even with little verbage, which is pretty hard for this gal.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Bee and it's Wisteria ? Cottonwood, Arizona NOPE Arizona Mountain Laurel

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflection's Flora and Fauna

OK, I"ll say it, who knew wisteria (or a family member) would be found growing near Cottonwood Arizona.  It is positively the first time I have seen it here.

It was at a fish hatchery, although I have no idea what that has to do with anything.

Stepped out of the truck and spied it.  It was busy hosting a number of bees having a feed.

No, I cannot take just one photo - - 

I was rather taken by the golden/copper colors of this creatures wings.