Today we drove to Bodega Bay. Bodega Head and a bit on 1 along the Pacific. There were a lot of seagulls, and they seemed to be showing off for Sony Too today. So, with a
bit, well, a lot of zoom, and some good luck (see the dude/ette walking on the hood of the car parked next to us), we did have a bit of a
bird, err, gulls sorta day.
Lots o zoom, thanks to Sony Too:
Zoomed to the max, looks like dinner has been found.
Again, much zoom, these two were screeching at something, non-stop.
Take off with nesting materials in hand, err, beak.
Have car, will walk, less than 5 feet from Sony Too.
I know, these are not those killer birds from the movie that was made near here, but, that is still a lot of critters!