Reflection's Flora and Fauna
A collection of my photos of flora and fauna, and maybe now and then,
something else that catches my attention and just will not let go.
Maybe even with little verbage, which is pretty hard for this gal.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Sunken Gardens, St. Petersburg, Florida


January 10, 2014, Man and I drove over to St. Petersburg to visit Sunken Gardens, lots of photos were taken, of course. 


This path led to the "Wedding Lawn".

Hiding in the brush.

These are Laughing Kookaburras.  They are caged, which makes for safety but, crummy photos.  We zoomed, cause I just wanted to share, even with the fencing.  This photo does not show their size well, but, they are rather large, up to about 18 inches.


1 comment:

my Heritage Happens said...

Each photo made me say, awe! Great and fun photos, even through the fence.