Reflection's Flora and Fauna
A collection of my photos of flora and fauna, and maybe now and then,
something else that catches my attention and just will not let go.
Maybe even with little verbage, which is pretty hard for this gal.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Horses of Mackinaw Island, The Buggy Ride

Mackinaw Island, one of the most wonderful spots in Michigan.  You arrive by high speedy ferry boats, walk off the peer and step back in time.   (Or you can fly in, oh, oh, a memory trigger for Moi, maybe have to write about that over at Reflections.)

Mackinaw Island is the home of the Grand Hotel, where they filmed "Somewhere in Time", a great love story starring Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour.

On the island, there are no motorized vehicles, you walk, you bike or you go by horse (or horse pulled convenience of some type.)

Man and I were there last in late July, 2009.  We took a buggy ride around the island, with a tour guide.  Here are some photos:

Our carriage, during a rest stop for the horses.
(Well, that is what the driver told us, and
yes, he IS talking on a cell phone.)

The view out the side of the carriage, is, mmmm,
better?  more interesting?

Man, getting acquainted.

*This is part 1 of a three part series on the horses of Mackinaw. You know what they say - - stay tuned.

1 comment:

Barbara Poole said...

I have always wanted to visit this place. Guess since the movie. Looking forward in seeing your other photos, so I will stay tuned.