Reflection's Flora and Fauna
A collection of my photos of flora and fauna, and maybe now and then,
something else that catches my attention and just will not let go.
Maybe even with little verbage, which is pretty hard for this gal.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cholla and Man's Walking Stick

After Man's experience with a cholla and his shoe, P-I-C-K-Y, P-I-C-K-Y, he is not a bit more cautious, so, when we were taking a short hike he used his walking stick to poke at this particular cholla. (Well, I think it is another cholla, still working on identifications of all these new plants.)

I stabbed at the remnants of one of these on the trail and those pokers stuck in the tip of my walking stick.  I really don't want to find out what that feels like in skin.  OUCHIE!

Here is an entire field, err, hillside, of em, zoomed (20 times) up the mountain side to get the photo, it is not the best, out of focus a bit.  That said, do you want to try to climb that hillside??  Nope, me either!


Michelle Goodrum said...

Owie is right! Coming from first hand experience many times over. Go way out of your way to stay AWAY from them, especially the pieces lying on the ground. Oh the stories I could tell!! lol

Susan Clark said...

Still I love their almost silver color in the light. Sharp as they are, they soften the view.